Lakin Institute for Mentored Leadership

The Thomas Lakin Institute for Mentored Leadership is a national professional development activity, sponsored by the Presidents’ Round Table of African – American CEOs of Community Colleges. The Institute provides a personal and professional development experience for selected individuals who have demonstrated a potential for expanded leadership roles in their current or future responsibilities within community colleges. Participants develop and strengthen leadership competencies through participation in the Institute. Upon completion of the Institute, each mentee is given the option of being assigned to a mentor to explore more in – depth analyses of individual leadership skills. Participants should be at key transitional points in their careers. Experienced and renowned CEOs serve as the Institute’s faculty. The Institute’s focus is to transform good administrators into extraordinary leaders.
About the Program
The Lakin Institute is heavily participation – oriented with an emphasis on skill building and collaborative learning. Each mentee is expected to participate in a week – long intensive program of study, which has a strong leadership component encouraging participants to immediately apply knowledge, principles, and skills acquired or enhanced through the program. The Institute is held annually and hosted by a community college that is a member institution of the American Association of Community Colleges.
Created for community college administrators with approximately five years of senior – level work experience, the Institute serves individuals with excellent prospects to serve in chief executive leadership positions across the United States and internationally. Participants represent diverse senior – level administrative functions at community colleges. Applicants should report to a vice president, provost, president, or chancellor. Those who attend have the goal of assuming the position of CEO.